Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Tests

Below are the practice tests available for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer certification. Click on the practice test to start the test.

Please note that the practice tests are updated regularly to keep up with the latest changes in the certification exams.

You may notice that the durations are different sometimes. This is proportional to the number of questions in the practice test.

We strongly recommend that you take the practice tests multiple times to get a good understanding of the exam pattern and the type of questions asked.

Once you start scoring 80% or more consistently, you are ready to take the certification exam.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us using This feedback form.

Good luck with your preparation!

Practice Text 1

Duration: 120.0 minutes

Questions: 50

Practice Text 2

Duration: 120.0 minutes

Questions: 50

Practice Text 3

Duration: 120.0 minutes

Questions: 50

Practice Text 4

Duration: 120.0 minutes

Questions: 50

Practice Text 5

Duration: 120.0 minutes

Questions: 50